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Super excited for our Spring and Summer Sessions Clinics and Sand Leagues!

Spring & Summer Volleyball!

Sign up for spring & summer clinics! 

All 3 clinics:

Individual clinics:

Sign up for spring sand leagues!

Monday College A League:

Tuesday High School A 2v2 League:

Thursday High School A 2v2 League:

Saturday Middle School Skills, Drills & Games:

High School Tune Up:

2025 - 2026 Winter Club Tryouts:

Super excited for another great spring & summer of volleyball!

Questions, please email

If you have not signed up for our emails you can do so right on our website. 

Lastly, please share this email with anyone who wants to get involved in a fun sport, making friends moving in a positive atmosphere!

Player Spotlight!

Huge shout out and congratulations to Olivia Rodrigues on being selected RIIL HSCA Freshman of the Year!!

Huge shout out and congratulations to Olivia Rodrigues on being selected RIIL HSCA Freshman of the Year!!

Player Spotlight!

Congratulations to Bailey Howell on All EIL and All-NEPSAC honorable mention!

Congratulations to Bailey Howell on All-EIL and All-NEPSAC honorable mention!

Coach Sav's 16U Team at Home For the Holiday's tournament!

Coach Sav's 16U Team at Home For the Holiday's tournament!

Congratulations to Surge 17's Bailey Howell on her 2022 NEPSAC All-New England selection, leading her Portsmouth Abbey Ravens to Eastern Independent League and New England Championship matches this season!!

Congratulations to Surge 17's Bailey Howell on her 2022 NEPSAC All-New England selection, leading her Portsmouth Abbey Ravens to Eastern Independent League and New England Championship matches this season!!

Surge is thrilled to partner with Fortify Athletics & Therapeutics!

Jump Higher, Hit Harder, Last Longer! 

Volleyball Strength & Conditioning starts April 1, 2025.

Stay tuned for details and registration information. 

Surge Volleyball Hats Act Fast - Limited Supply!

If you have a player that made academic honor roll and want to share their academic achievement, please email name, grade, school to 

Coach Kyra's 15U Team at Home For the Holiday's tournament!

Coach Kyra's 15U Team at Home For the Holiday's tournament!

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

October is breast cancer awareness. Help end breast cancer.

Want to get our emails?

Email Address:
First Name:
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Phone Number:

SURGE Apparel Store Link - Fashion for all Seasons!

SURGE Apparel and More! Please visit our store for your SURGE athletic performance apparel! Over 100 different items including shirts, hoodies, pants, hats and more!!!

15's Club Season!

Coach Abby and her 12U superstars!!

Clinic 2 - Let's GO!!

So Much Fun - Clinic 1!!

Coach Claudio Middle School Team

Interested in coaching youth volleyball?

Click here to submit an application

Thank you MSON for the grant to buy more volleyballs!!!

Thank you Military Spouses of Newport for your continued help in making our program better and better!!  

Want to become a sponsor?

SURGE Volleyball Club RI is a 501(c)(3) organization.  Part of our mission is to make the sport of volleyball economical to all.  We are constantly writing grants and seeking funds to help defer the cost of playing club sports. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a sponsor.

SURGE VolleyballClub RI

The mission of SURGE Volleyball Club RI 501(c)3 is to make the sport of volleyball accessible, educational, economical  and motivational to all who wish to learn the sport. At SURGE we encourage positivity, teamwork, helping others and hard work.  SURGE members treat all persons with kindness and respect, we speak positively to ourselves and forgive our mistakes and the mistakes of others.  We recognize each team member’s value and gifts they bring to the team. By accomplishing all of this, we hope to have strengthened the self-confidence of our members and have taught the value of leadership through the sport of volleyball.


Scholarships are available on a case by case basis. Email us at

Thank you all who wore PINK in the month of October!

"As a 5 year breast cancer survivor, it warmed my heart to see all the girls wear pink with such gusto!  They wore pink shirts, shorts, KNEEPADS, headbands, face paint, etc!  One of our coach's even bought pink bracelets for all of our players.  SURGE promised to donate more money to Susan G Komen if kids wore pink...and boy did our players come through!!" Suzanne Mirisola, President of SURGE Volleyball Club RI


 SURGE is donating $250 to the Susan G. Komen foundation for breast cancer research!  Thank you all!!

SURGE COVID-19 Safety Procedures

January 2021

The health and safety of our youth, staff, and volunteers remain our highest priority. Below, you will find a summary of actions we are taking to help ensure we are lowering COVID-19 risk as much as possible while also allowing our athletes to play. We are:

• Intensifying cleaning by disinfecting shared objects and equipment between use, and ensuring safe and correct use and storage of disinfectants.

  • Reducing physical closeness or contact between players when possible allowing players to focus on building individual skills, keeping players in small groups, and organized arrival and drop off times, making signs visible on each playing field to ensure that coaches and players stay 6 feet apart, discouraging unnecessary physical contact, such as high-fives, handshakes, fist bumps, and hugs.
  • Postponing travel outside of our community and competing against teams in our local area and community.

  • Promoting healthy hygiene practices by providing hand sanitizer before and after practices and games, encouraging players to cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or to use the inside of their elbow, and reminding them to not spit.

  • Players, coaches, youth sports staff and officials will wear a cloth face covering during practices and games. As a reminder, cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children younger than 2 years of age, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the cover without assistance. Parents and spectators are required to wear a cloth face covering during practices and games.

  • Limiting the sharing of equipment by providing extra volleyballs to minimize the need to share and encourage players to bring their own volleyball.

  • COVID-19 Screening Tool will be in full force and effect at all times.

Anyone who is sick or has been in contact with someone who has COVID-19— including players, family members, coaches, staff and spectators — should not attend practices or games. Be on the lookout for symptoms of COVID-19, which include fever, cough, or shortness of breath. Call your doctor if you think you or a family member is sick.

If someone does get sick during practice or at a game, we have plans in place to isolate and

transport that person to their home or healthcare facility. If you have a specific question about this plan or COVID-19, please contact Stacie MacDonald (401-835-7002) or Suzanne Mirisola for more information. You can also find more information about COVID-19 at

Contact Us

Contact Us

SURGE Volleyball Club RI

Phone: 401-835-7002